Not for the Weak or Faint Hearted

This is a warning for anyone that comes across this blog.

I am a patriot. I strongly believe in America and the principles that she was founded on. I love this country and will gladly lay down my life so my son, my family, my friends and anyone else can enjoy it's freedoms for one more day. I am very blunt and straight forward. I strongly feel that honesty is best applied that way.

Half-truths are not honesty. Telling people what they want to hear is not honesty. Niceties and Ass-kissing is not honesty. They are methods that weak minded people use to avoid conflict and solving the most pertinent issues.

How many times have you seen someone complain about their boss but as soon as the boss is around, its all smiles and laughter? How many times has someone joked and laughed with you, only to go talk shit behind your back to other co-workers? How many times has someone you know tell you, "someone should say something to him/her". But then avoid the relating conversation when the person approaches.

Those sorry excuses for human beings are the reason why shit doesnt get done or fixed. They are the same people that see the world how THEY want to see it and not how it really is.

If you are one of those people, you should read this. It'll offend the hell out of you. You might not like what I have to say. You might disagree. You might think Im an asshole. But you will always know that you can count on me to tell you the truth.

Again, this is "Not for the Weak or Faint Hearted"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Himno de Lares

En las verdes montañas de Lares,
y en lucha con la adversidad,
nuestros padres lanzaron el grito,
aquel primer grito de la libertad.

Nuestros padres soñaron un día
una patria feliz conquistar,
y murieron sin ver realizado
el ideal soñado de patria y libertad.

Brazo de oro que fue en Puerto Rico
la mas noble y valiente mujer,
Brazo de oro bordó la bandera
que los puertorriqueños
sabremos defender.

La blanca cruz en ella significa
ansia de patria y redención,
el rojo, la sangre vertida
por los héroes de la rebelión.
Y la estrella en la azul soledad,